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20 Jan


Posted By: Keerthana Navaneethan Times Read: 188 Comments: 0

Our elders knew it was not just apples, but many a small kitchen spice and condiment that kept doctors away. One of these, cane jaggery, is the key to many secret health tips-it keeps the immune system strong and maintains the clean flow of blood.

Detoxes liver: Cane Jaggery is a natural body cleanser; It helps reduce the workload of the liver and detoxifies the organ by flushing out harmful toxins from the body.

Boosts Immunity: Cane Jaggery is loaded with antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and selenium. These prevent free-radical damage and also boost resistance against infections.

Prevents Anaemia: Rich in iron and folate, cane jaggery helps prevent anemia. This is especially beneficial for pregnant women. It also provides instant energy to the body.

Control Blood Pressure: Cane Jaggery contains potassium and sodium. These help maintain acid levels in the body. It makes sure that a normal level of blood pressure is maintained.

Relieves joint pain: Consuming cane jaggery with a piece of ginger, or even drinking a glass of milk with cane jaggery every day can help reduce joint pain and strengthen the bones.

Nourished skin: Cane Jaggery is rich in many vital vitamins and minerals. It helps in treating and preventing skin problems such as acne and pimples and helps in keeping the skin blemish-free. It also delays the signs of aging such as wrinkles, dark spots, etc. 

Treats Menstrual Problems: Due to its richness in many essential nutrients, cane jaggery is an effective natural treatment for many menstrual problems. It provides relief from cramps and stomach aches during the period and fights PMS. 

Manages Weight: It contains many essential minerals, especially potassium which fights water retention and manages body weight. Also, it helps in building up muscles and improves metabolism. These factors play an important role in effective weight loss, making cane jaggery beneficial in aiding in weight loss.

Order your pack of Cane Jaggery here - https://www.flavoursavenue.com/flavours-avenue-gourmet-sugars/natural-cane-sugar

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